Who We Are
Our Mission and Values
Green Owl Consulting offers business and consulting services to nonprofit organizations and socially-focused small businesses. We work with small to medium sized organizations, providing accounting, human resources, and other administrative and operational support to allow them to focus on their mission. Our goal is to enable these organizations to spend their time addressing social and environmental needs — not on managing business operations.
Green Owl Consulting is woman- and Black/Mexican-owned and operated.
Like our clients, we are driven by racial, social, and environmental justice.
Honesty and clarity are the cornerstones of our work, and we will seek to promote and demonstrate transparency whenever possible. We strive to always be aware of and constantly try to improve upon our actions and how they impact society and the environment. Internally, we promote a culture of equity, innovation, and autonomy, and we believe in having a sense of creativity and community. Come work for us!
Contact us to learn more.